What if there was a step-by-step, proven system to...

Erg Training Plans for Rowers

What if there was a CRYSTAL clear blueprint to go faster than ever before?

I’m peeling back the curtain on nearly a decade of rowing for Team USA and finally making these workouts available to you, tailored to your exact speed. 

pull your fastest 2k ever

PR on your 6k

have your best season yet 

the entire summer 2k PR training plan

  • Full 3-month training calendar with daily 2k prep workouts
  • Three all-out 2k opportunities
  • How to set a 2k goal
  • How to pace your 2k correctly
  • A complete explanation of how to use the plan
  • My exact race-day warm-up
  • The authoritative answer on whether to do a starting sequence
  • A follow-along Daily Stretching and Rolling Routine video
  • 5 workouts to do on days you don't have access to an erg 
  • BONUS strategies for success

Drop your 2k score over the summer and be READY for college recruiting

6k PR training plan

8 week training calendar with daily 6k prep workouts, two 6k opportunities, a full explanation of how to use the plan, my daily stretching and rolling routine, and BONUS strategies for success

2k PR training plan

4 week training calendar with daily 2k prep workouts, one all-out 2k opportunity, a full explanation of how to use the plan, my daily stretching and rolling routine, and BONUS strategies for success

winter break training plan

3 week training calendar with daily workouts to set you up for a strong spring season. Includes a full explanation of how to use the plan, my daily stretching and rolling routine, and BONUS tips for success

Here’s one thing I know about you: 

You don't row because you love the erg.

You row for the gold medals won on the water.

You row for the feeling of crossing the finish line, throwing your hands in the air, and experiencing the rush of winning.

You live for the moment when all the hard work paid off. 

And yet, all HIGH SCHOOL rowers know one truth: 

We wish it weren't so, but every college rowing coach is making recruiting decisions based on 2k PRs. Rather than fighting against that, let's lean in, give you the exact tools and strategies to go faster, and help you pull scores you've only dreamed of. 

These plans worked for me, and they’ll work for you, too. 

You already put so much into your workouts.

Don’t you want to know with 100% certainty that they’re the right workouts? Wouldn’t it be way better to know whether you’re on target to PR before you even sit down to take the test? 

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from competing at National Championships, World Championships, and the Olympic Games…

...combined it with my expertise in writing over 300 customized training plans for rowers…

...and condensed it into four downloadable training plans YOU can do right from the comfort of your home...or wherever your erg lives. 

A fast 2k is essential for college recruiting.

These training plans are ideal for...

Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors in high school who need a faster 2k for college recruiting

Making explosive progress over the summer

Getting clarity on what workouts to do over winter break

College athletes who want to make a better boat next spring 

Please note: these training plans are for personal use only.



A color-coded, easy to read calendar of workouts

I’ll show you how to set a goal, then simply follow along with each day’s workout, record your results, and watch yourself improve.

BONUS: How to Train like an Olympian

BONUS: How to Race like an Olympian 

When you download your training plan...

you'll get instant access to:

...having me as your virtual rowing coach, telling you which workouts to do each day and what splits to aim for. I won't let you “wing it” with your training and cross the finish line disappointed and frustrated after your next race. 

it's like...

all you'll need access to is a concept2 erg

Saugatuck rowing

I've worked with athletes from:

Community Rowing (CRI)

Marina Aquatic Center

Cleveland Rowing

Upper Valley Rowing

Greenwich crew

NorCal Crew

indianapolis Rowing

Founders Rowing

Delta Sculling Center

Marin Rowing

redwood scullers

New Trier

Dallas United Crew

Lakeside School

Oakland Strokes

los gatos

Old Lyme

Hanover Crew

Harpeth Hall




Who have gone on to row at...






















San Diego State



Saint Mary’s College

Santa Clara University


and counting...

the entire summer 2k PR training plan

  • Full 3-month training calendar with daily 2k prep workouts
  • Three all-out 2k opportunities
  • How to set a 2k goal
  • How to pace your 2k correctly
  • A complete explanation of how to use the plan
  • My exact race-day warm-up
  • The authoritative answer on whether to do a starting sequence
  • A follow-along Daily Stretching and Rolling Routine video
  • 5 workouts to do on days you don't have access to an erg 
  • BONUS strategies for success

Drop your 2k score over the summer and be READY for college recruiting

6k PR training plan

8 week training calendar with daily 6k prep workouts, two all-out 6k opportunities, a full explanation of how to use the plan, my daily stretching and rolling routine, and BONUS strategies for success

2k PR training plan

4 week training calendar with daily 2k prep workouts, one all-out 2k opportunity, a full explanation of how to use the plan, my daily stretching and rolling routine, and BONUS strategies for success

winter break training plan

3 week training calendar with daily workouts to set you up for a strong spring season. Includes a full explanation of how to use the plan, my daily stretching and rolling routine, and BONUS tips for success


I came to Kristin because I needed to lower my 2k erg score. it was clear to me from the get-go that I would get a lot out of her program. After going through Kristin’s program, I not only PR-ed on my 2k score, I learned more about myself as a person and as an athlete. 

Rising senior | CRI | dropped 0.8 splits on 2k after 4 weeks working with me

Once you purchase a plan, you’ll get instant access to: 

What's inside the plans?

Specific Workouts

Each workout features a specific warm-up, the workout (including distance/time/stroke rate), pacing goals, rest amounts, and a cool-down. Like any great training plan, these are fully periodized and include steady state, anaerobic threshold (AT), and race pace workouts. Workouts are based on your 2k or 6k PR and are adaptable to rowers of any level.

Day-by-day training plan 

Figuring out what workout to do each day and how to piece them together will be the crystal clear on these plans. Your PDF training plan will arrive in your inbox with a pretty Monday-Sunday calendar with one workout assigned to each day of the week, including a day off. Follow the workouts in the order they’re written. All you have to do is fill in the dates! 

Stretching + Rolling Routine

A stretch-by-stretch, follow along recovery routine video you can use now and forever. Do this every day and injury will be a thing of the past. 

BONUS #1: How to Train like an Olympian
available on the 2k and 6k PR plans 

BONUS #2: How to Race a 2k / 6k like an Olympian
available on the 2k and 6k PR plans 

BONUS #3: Three Pro Tips to Guarantee Your Success
available on the Winter Break Training Plan 

I love giving out bonuses...

these are comin' to your inbox too

let's break it down

How much do the plans cost?

4 week calendar of workouts: $500 
Explanation of how to use the plan and
Daily Stretching and Rolling Routine: $50 
BONUS: 5 Steps to Train like an Olympian: $200
BONUS: How to Race a 2k Like an Olympian: $250 

2-month calendar of workouts: $800 
Explanation of how to use the plan and
Daily Stretching and Rolling Routine: $50 
BONUS: 5 Steps to Train like an Olympian: $200
BONUS: How to Race a 6k Like an Olympian: $250 

3-week calendar of workouts: $300
Explanation of how to use the plan and
Daily Stretching and Rolling Routine: $50 
BONUS: 3 Pro Tips: $150 







*best value 

Ann H.

“If you’re chasing a new PR or getting ready for your next race, I highly recommend Kristin’s training plan. Her success as a US National Team rower and Olympian means she knows the best workouts and how to peak for race day. Kristin’s plan is appropriately challenging in order to up your rowing game; her approach is purposeful and positive in order to avoid burnout. I was ready to race!” 

Kristin is one of the most decorated lightweight rowers in U.S. history. Over the span of her 15-year rowing career, she competed at the 2012 Olympic Games and won 6 international medals for Team USA. 

She and her doubles partner wrote their own training plans in the lead-up to the London Olympics and Kristin later wrote herself a training plan that landed her in the top 5 in the Champ 1x at Head of the Charles - as a 120 lb lightweight. 

Now, she’s peeling back the curtain on the workouts from her own training plans and offering them to you. 

Kristin has written over 300 customized training plans for rowers since 2014, in addition to offering her training plans online. 

Why train with Kristin? 

i've been in your shoes.

How long will these plans take? 

The Entire Summer Training Plan is a three month plan. The 4 week 2k PR Training Plan is a one month plan. The 6k PR Training Plan is a two month plan. The Winter Break Training Plan is a three week plan. 

I’m a high school rower. Is this right for me?

This is ideal for you. You’re at the time in your rowing career when you have the opportunity to improve the most, so take advantage of that. These are all the secrets I wish I’d known much earlier in my career, so you'll be giving yourself a massive head start!

I’m a collegiate rower. Is this right for me?

Think back to your results last season. If you want to improve on that this season, these blueprints will make that a reality. The 2k plan is ideal for your summer season. The Winter Break Training Plan was made for you since colleges usually have a longer Christmas break. 

I’m a masters rower. Is this right for me?

Yes! My masters athletes have had some of the biggest successes of anyone on these plans. If you’re worried about being able to “keep up” with the plan, rest assured that the assigned splits for each day can be based on either your 2k/6k PR (if you know it) or by doing the workouts for a week and creating a goal based on those results. 

How many days a week will there be workouts? How hard will they be? 

You’ll have 6 days a week of workouts. The workouts are tough but doable. I want you to challenge yourself during training so that when you sit for your erg test, you’ll know you can do it because it won’t be the hardest thing on your plan. (This is a champion strategy at work!) 

I’m traveling during the training plan. Can I still do it? 

As long as you’re not traveling for more than 2 weeks of the 2k plan or 1 week of the 6k or winter break training plans, you’re good to go. See if you can find an erg to use while you’re traveling, or simply do the workouts as running or cycling workouts instead. 

 How much time will each workout take?

If you include the warm-up, workout, cool-down, and stretching/rolling, workouts take a maximum of 90 minutes each day, with some days being as short as 50-60 minutes. The average is 60-70 minutes.

Can I do this plan if I don’t have a Concept2 erg? What ergs can I use on this plan? 

Since this plan relies on the splits and drag factors unique to the Concept2 ergometer, you cannot do this plan without a C2. A model C, D, or E will work.

Here’s how you know which one you have

Common Q's and A's

Annika C.

“By creating an awesome training plan and supporting me every step of the way, Kristin helped me earn new PR’s, something I had not done all season.”